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Navin Sanjay

Welcome to Navin's Portfolio

Motivated by a fascination with the boundless possibilities of data, I embark on the quest to master the art of data analysis, captivating narratives within complex information.

About Me
profile picture
I am a passionate analyst with a relentless curiosity for unravelling insights hidden within complex problems. Armed with a strong foundation in Python, SQL, statistics, machine learning algorithms, Tableau, and other various tools for data visualisation and analysis, I thrive on the challenge of translating raw data into meaningful stories that drive informed decisions.

My background in mechanical engineering equips me with a unique perspective, strong analytical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and a solid foundation in mathematics, statistics, and data collection. With meticulous attention to detail, an engineering mindset, and a continuous learning approach, I seamlessly blend into the realm of data analysis.

Get to know me!

  • Name: Navin Sanjay

  • Occupation: Transitioning into the Realm of Data

  • Goal: Data, Insights, Business, Analyst Role. Entry level Data Scientist Role

  • Interests: Music production, Sports, Outdoors, Continuous learning

  • Education: Industry-accredited Certificate in Data Science/AI Institute of Data (AUT) & First Class Honours Mechanical Engineering from The University of Aucland


My Skills

Data Validation
Data Modelling
Formula Functions
Power Query
Macros and VBA
Seaborn and Matplotlib
Sci-Kit Learn
API Integration
Scripting and Automation
Query Writing
Sub Queries
Window Functions
Machine Learning
Time Series Forecasting (ARIMA, Prophet)
Ensemble Methods (Random Forest, Gradient Boosting etc)
Cloud Machine Learning Services (AWS Sagemaker, Azure)
Model Deployment
Statistical Analysis
Web Scraping
Communciation Skills
High Work Ethic



Predicting Traffic Volume in New Zealand with Machine Learning

This project aims to develop a predictive model for accurately forecasting traffic volume at a specific location and time. Historical traffic data and relevant features like date, time, day of the week, month, and weather conditions are utilized. Machine learning techniques are employed to capture patterns and trends in the data, enabling accurate predictions of future traffic volumes. The best-performing model is the random forest regression, which outperformed other models in all evaluation metrics. However, predicting traffic volume in 2018 proved challenging due to irregular data, highlighting the need for further improvements in data consistency and comparability.

Case Study

Successful App Secrets: Data-Driven Insights and Strategies for Google Play Store Apps Excel Dashboard

An Interactive Excel Data Dashboard for Mobile App Analytics. This project was created to provide a user-friendly interface for tracking and analyzing key performance metrics of Google Play Store Mobile Apps. It combines data visualization, interactivity, and real-time updates to empower decision-makers with actionable insights.

Key Features:

  • Category Performance Analysis: Explore how apps perform across different categories. Select specific metrics to see how various App categories perform relative to another.

  • User Engagement Insights: Dive deep into factors influencing user engagement. Visualize correlations between user engagement metrics (reviews, installs) and app attributes (size).

  • Pricing Strategy Evaluation: Analyze the optimal pricing strategy. Compare app prices across categories and visualize how pricing relates to average ratings using histograms and box plots.

  • Rating Impact: Discover how content rating affects app performance. Segment data by content rating and category to identify trends using bar charts and tables.

  • Price-Performance Analysis: Investigate the relationship between app pricing and performance. Explore how pricing impacts metrics like installs and ratings.

  • Price vs. Value Perception: Understand how users perceive the value of paid apps. Utilize price-value perception heatmaps to visualize user ratings based on different price points.

Case Study

Customer Purchasing Insights:

purchasing insights

Trial Store Assessment Insights:


Quantium Data Analytics: Retail Analytics and Strategy

A virtual data analytic internship with Quantium through Forage. As part of the Quantium retail analytics team, analysis was conducted on a client's transaction dataset on potato chip purchases and customer purchasing behaviours were identified to provide commercial recommendations. Analysis was also done on the impact of trial store layout changes on customer sales.

Case Study
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Are NBA Players getting better?

In this project, I conducted an in-depth analysis of NBA rookie performance over various decades to gain valuable insights into the evolution of player skills and playing styles. By closely examining rookie statistics, I uncovered trends and patterns that shed light on the progression of player capabilities in the NBA. I also compared the performance of Rookie of the Year (ROTY) players against regular rookies, identifying exceptional talents and evaluating their achievements in relation to the rest of the league. The project offers valuable implications beyond sports analytics, providing insights for player development programs and coaching strategies in the premier basketball league. Through rigorous data analysis and thoughtful interpretation, this project contributes to the broader discourse surrounding NBA player improvement and the dynamic nature of professional basketball.

Case Study
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UFC Outcome Prediction using Machine Learning

Predictive modelling was used to find the likelihood of a fighter winning by KO/Submission or by Judge Decision. • Betting agencies can adjust their odds accordingly. • Individuals can use this information when betting. Data was taken from the last 10 years of the Lightweight category and assessed to predict the likelihood of a match resulting in a KO/Submission or Judge Decision.

Case Study
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Sentiment Analysis of News Article Headlines for Stock Market Prediction

Predicts whether the dow jones will move up or down based on News Headline feedback. Uses NLP techniques to gain insights. This allows for additional input over the traditional numeric comparisons. News gives a good indicator of the general consensus of a stock and people can use this to inform investment decisions.

Case Study
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Movie Recommendation System

Based on a movie inputted by a user, this sytem will recommend movies based on the inputted movie and similar movies. It uses content based and popularity based recommendation systems.

Case Study

Contact Thank you for taking the time to look at my portfolio. Please feel to contact me on any of my socials.